RiboGalaxy – A Galaxy-based web platform for ribosome profiling data processing – 2023 Update

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Ribosome profiling (Ribo-Seq) captures a “snapshot” of ribosomes’ locations at the entire transcriptome of a cell at sub-codon resolution providing insights into gene expression and enabling the discovery of novel translated regions. RiboGalaxy (https://ribogalaxy.genomicsdatascience.ie/), a Galaxy-based platform for processing Ribo-Seq data is a RiboSeq.Org (https://riboseq.org/) resource. RiboSeq.Org is an online gateway to a set of integrated tools for the processing and analysis of Ribo-Seq data. In this RiboGalaxy update researchers at University College Cork introduce changes to both the tools available on RiboGalaxy and to how the resource is managed on the backend. For example, in order to improve interoperability between Riboseq.Org resources, they added tools that link RiboGalaxy outputs with Trips-Viz and GWIPS-viz browsers for downstream analysis and visualisation. RiboGalaxy’s backend now utilises Ansible configuration management which enhances its stability and jobs are executed within Singularity containers and are managed by Slurm, strengthening reproducibility and performance respectively.


Fedorova AD, Tierney JAS, Michel AM, Baranov PV. (2023) RiboGalaxy: A Galaxy-based Web Platform for Ribosome Profiling Data Processing – 2023 Update. J Mol Biol 435(14):168043. [article]