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Palia is an exciting MMO filled with adventures, skills, crafting, and romanceable characters, but sadly, it’s not available on every platform. This may change once Palia fully launches, but in the meantime, there are only two platforms you can play Palia on.

Palia platforms

Palia has only been announced for two platforms: Nintendo Switch and PC. At the time of writing this, the devs have neither confirmed nor denied whether it will be available on Mac, iOS devices, PlayStation, or Xbox later. However, they know there is a demand for it to be available on these gaming devices.

The platform for Palia’s closed and open beta is limited even further. Palia’s beta can only be played on PC. So if you were hoping to play the open beta on your Switch, you wouldn’t be able to. However, you can wishlist it, and you’ll be notified when it will be available.

Is Palia on Steam?

The only way to play Palia on PC is to download it from Palia’s website, according to Palia’s website, meaning it is not available to play on Steam.

Is Palia available on Mac or GeForce Now?

Unfortunately, Palia is unavailable on Mac, and they’ve made no announcements regarding whether it will be in the future.

GeForce Now, the cloud gaming service, only has connections with Ubisoft, Epic Games Store, and Steam, and given Palia isn’t currently available to download via these platforms, Palia isn’t available on GeForce Now, either.

Related: Is Palia free to play?

As someone whose computer is basically a toaster oven, I enjoy using GeForce Now, so I’m hoping Palia will be available through this service when the game launches.
