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League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games, with over 160 different champions for you to choose from. One such champion is Miss Fortune, a marksman from Bilgewater who is famed for being ruthless, cocky, and downright destructive in the right circumstance.

To dominate the bottom lane and eventually the game, Miss Fortune needs a support that can help her ramp up through the early game and take over in the latter stages of her matches. And the best supports for Miss Fortune are the ones that can lock down opponents while she dishes out tons of damage with her powerful kit.

Best supports with Miss Fortune in League

The best supports to pair with Miss Fortune in today’s meta are Leona, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Nautilus, and Rell. This is because Miss Fortune requires plenty of peel and spacing so she can fire away unimpeded, and you’ll want either a strong front line that can soak damage or an enchanter mage that can set her up while keeping her safe. This way, she can keep her distance to get the most out of her powerful ranged spells.


Leona, League's resident sun-loving tank.
The Radiant Dawn is prepared for battle. Image via Riot Games

Leona and Miss Fortune make up a classic bottom lane pair that have great synergy together across their entire kits. At level two, the two champions already bring a ton of kill potential since the Radiant Dawn can dive right towards an enemy carry with her Zenith Blade (E) and keep them still with Shield of Daybreak’s (Q) stun.

And as soon as you hit level six, you’ll want to look for an all-in engage. As a Miss Fortune main, one of the most-welcomed sights you can see on the Summoner’s Rift is Leona’s Solar Flare (R) dropping onto a group of opponents since that leaves them defenseless against her ultimate ability, Bullet Time (R). Together, they can make plays, burst down entire groups, and end teamfights with a few key presses.


Blitzcrank fires his rocket arm at an enemy.
Fired up and ready to serve. Image via Riot Games

Miss Fortune’s Make it Rain (E) and Double Up (Q) combo is extremely efficient when it comes to bullying and poking enemies in lane. Moreover, you gain immense kill potential once you hit level six and get your hands on your ultimate.

Because of this, Blitzcrank is one of the strongest supports to pair with MF. If he grabs an enemy with his Rocket Grab (Q) and then follows with a crowd control chain with Power Fist (E) and Static Field (R), Miss Fortune will have plenty of time to unleash her combo.


Thresh stands menacingly as he prepares for a fight.
Drag your opponents down to the depths of despair. Image via Riot Games

Aggressive supports that can single-handedly lock down an enemy champion are strong when paired with Miss Fortune. Once Thresh lands his Death Sentence (Q) and Flay (E) combo, Miss Fortune should be able to deal a considerable amount of damage.

It won’t always be enough for a kill, but hitting this combo should give you a window of opportunity to claim kills or at least bully the enemy bot lane out of position. Thresh’s Dark Passage (W) is also a perfect escape tool for an immobile ADC like Miss Fortune. And with Thresh’s buffs this season, he’s a really great champion to pick in solo queue.


Nautilus fires his hook into the ground, pulling him away.
The deep is calling, and Nautilus is ready to answer. Image via Riot Games

Nautilus is not only tanky but also provides plenty of opportunities for you to engage with his combos. Using Dredge Line (Q) into Riptide (E) and then Depth Charge (R) creates a series of events where the enemy is pulled toward Nautilus, and they’re then slowed, knocked up, and stunned.

At the same time, Miss Fortune can use Make It Rain (E) to slow the enemy and use Bullet Time (R) to chip away at their health. And because Nautilus is tanky, he acts as a nice buffer between Miss Fortune and the enemy.


A bushy-haried blonde girl named Rell rides into battle on her horse, which she created from metal.
Rell, the Iron Maiden, sits atop her steed made of metal, prepared for battle. Image via Riot Games

Like Leona, Rell’s ability set is tailor-made for Miss Fortune since she not only has a ton of crowd control to lock down her opponents for some massive damage, but Miss Fortune can also set up Rell for some easy wombo combos with her Make it Rain slow (E).

Related: Destructive champ duo taking over bot lane with sky-high win rates through LoL Patch 13.13

The true wombo combo, however, lies with Rell’s game-changing ultimate ability, Magnet Storm (R). This ability pulls enemies toward her in a radius and continues to drag enemies toward her for a few seconds after. As a result, any champions that don’t have mobility spells or Flash will be stuck next to Rell while Miss Fortune melts their health bars away with Bullet Time (R).
